Two Italian Girls

Phase II – Day 25   WEIGHT: 166.6 lbs.*   WORKOUT:  Walk on the Beach    (Not worried about the few extra ounces; they’ll be gone tomorrow.)

It’s Sunday morning, and I have a date with a very special friend who helped me to change my life forever in the Spring of 2007.  I had only known Maria for about a month.  We met at Peet’s Coffee and Tea in Corte Madera and were instantly drawn to each other.  Maria offered to be the bridge I needed to fulfill a dream — to study abroad in Florence, Italy, that summer.  I will never forget her generous gesture, and we always look forward to sharing magical stories with each other.

We sat in the very back section of Rulli’s Cafe in Larkspur where the wine lives.  Not only is it almost out of earshot from eavesdroppers, if you allow yourself to relax into the ambiance, you could be transported to a local cafe in Italy with that first sip of coffee.

Another unexpected bonus that I have noticed while being on the HCG Weight Loss Diet is that I have been making time to get together with friends.  I’m not sure why that’s so.  Hummmmm …… I just paused to reflect on that.  Maybe it’s because my closest friends have been so supportive in my transformation.  Maria, Pamela, Suzanna, and Victoria are all incredible women who have enhanced my life and live nearby.  Two other dear friends live further away, but I truly value their friendship and support as well.  Ingrid is my oldest friend who lives in Oregon at the moment, and Sandy is my newest friend who I met in Paris in the Spring and lives in Philadelphia.  I look forward to a group photo of us someday — perhaps, while vacationing in Hawaii or Paris — my treat!

Maria is my sexy Italian girlfriend.  Maria looks fabulous!  She is on a weight loss program as well — pure love.  Maria has reconnected with her soul mate after 33 years.  They are both ecstatic about their relationship and co-creating a beautiful life together.  Why does being in love melt the pounds off and help us lose weight at a rapid speed?  Do we eat less, because we are distracted, not depressed, stress free, and happy?  Because we feel loved and valued?  What chemical does our brain release that smooths the wrinkles on our face and emit an impenetrable glow around our being?  Strangers we pass by nod their heads, babies capture our glance and smile, and the barrista feels so moved by our exuberance, he offers us a cappuccino “on the house.”

I remember losing weight when I fell in love ~ I fell in love with Italy.  I lived in Florence in the Summer of 2007 studying Florentine Art and Culture and another class in Renaissance Art – daVinci.  I ate everything, drank wine, tried 15 different varieties of gelato, studied Masterpieces, toured museums, took mini trips to adjacent cities, and every chance I could, I sipped cappuccinos, ate the most amazingly delicious Italian pastries, spoke Italian to everyone I met ….. and lost weight.  I was doing what I loved ~ studying art and painting.

In my last blog “Tush, Tush ~ The Reemerging Pattern,” I wrote about the importance of keeping balance in my life.  Art is a huge piece that is missing right now.  I try to fit it in, but my priorities are not completely in alignment.  That’s why my blogging on the HCG Weight Loss Program is so important to me.  Currently, it is my creative outlet with an added bonus:  I hope to be educating, inspiring, and helping others by offering a weight loss program that has worked for me and may work for them.

I have learned that the key to any weight loss program is to follow your heart and be true to yourself.  I know when I am painting, creating, sewing, writing, and getting together with treasured friends, I’m not hungry.  I am happy with water, perhaps a cup of coffee, and a piece of fruit in my purse for a little bit of energy.

Motto: “Do what you love ~ the weight loss will follow”…… and if you need a little jump start like I did, I have found the HCG Weight Loss Program to be absolutely amazing.  The HCG Diet, under the medical guidance of our family doctor, Dr. Justin Mager at Clear Center of Health, combined with The Bar Method and my dearest friends (and Frank) have been a solid support system that is helping me to achieve my weight loss goals safely and in a relatively short period of time.   I highly recommend anyone who wants to lose at least 20 pounds to consult their physician and ask about the HCG Weight Loss Program.

Let Me Inspire Your Own Adventure:  BB Studying Abroad In Italy

Learning To Cook An Authentic Italian Dish

My Art Studio @ My Apartment on Ghiabellina

Cinque Terre ~ One of Five Incredible Beach Towns

My Morning Barrista in Florence