Almost There!

Phase II – Day 35    WEIGHT:  164.4   EXERCISE:  Rested

Over the 3-day holiday, I walked on the beach in El Granada, water skied at the Delta, and sunbathed at Ft. Cronkite — feeling stronger due to The Bar Method and slimmer due to the HCG Weight Loss Diet.  Even though I was not at my ideal weight, I still felt that I could pull off a bathing suit and did.

What’s interesting is that over the past five days, my weight fluctuated between 163.4 and 165.0.  I wasn’t real happy when the scale read “165.0” but realized that it might have had something to do with some unknown factors.  For instance:

1)  The sunscreen:  Even though the sunscreen lotion I applied to body parts I could reach was “oil free,” the sunscreen spray that I applied to my back may have had oil.

2)  The restaurant:  One evening, I went out to dinner (with Frank) after a long walk on the beach.  I ordered something that I thought would be safe: Garlic Steamed Prawns.  However, they tasted a little too tasty, i.e., steamed with perhaps “butter” and garlic …. maybe a little white wine.  I ordered a “half order” of the prawns, which may have been a tad over the allotted HCG portion.  I didn’t dare whip out my food weighing scale.  The salad was safe, because I brought my own dressing ~ apple cider vinegar.

3)  Water skiing:  We were invited to the Delta to water ski — something I had not done in over 25 years!  I was grateful for my strength training at The Bar Method and having lost 16 pounds on the HCG diet; otherwise, I don’t think my legs and arms would have been strong enough to not only water ski but have a go at tubing as well.  My face, hands, and feet were dry from the outing, and I applied some lotion at night . . . . . lotion that is not allowed due to oils.  Wasn’t thinking!

4)  Water:  And simply, not drinking enough water.

I don’t mean for the HCG Weight Loss Program to sound complicated.  It’s not.  Primarily, the HCG Diet is about awareness.  I never thought that what I put on my body would be internalized into my bloodstream.

Which is making me wonder:  What am I really applying to my face called “makeup” in order to look flawless?  I put it on in the morning then take it all off at the end of the day, right?  No, not all of it comes off.  Some of the ingredients in the makeup seep into my skin and deeper.  And the same goes for lotions, shampoo, conditioner, and everything else we apply to look younger, softer, less wrinkles, more beautiful, more hydrated, “protected” from the environment, and smell pleasant.

The HCG Diet has lessons to teach me through the program; it makes me take a second look and ask questions; and it helps me to see safe alternatives for skin care products.  Usually when I ask for something, it comes to me — sometimes when I least expect it.

Just the other day, I walked into a shop and was greeted by the saleswoman named Juicy.  By far, she had the most amazing skin – face & body!  Usually, it’s hereditary.  But in Juicy’s case, she said her skin improved drastically when she started using a product that was completely natural.  What sold me was that she was my age exactly!  I have to look into it and will get back to you.  Unfortunately, it’s not made in the U.S. — it’s European.  When are U.S. cosmetic companies going to wake up?

I have three days of shots left, then I see Dr. Mager for a check-up and consultation on what I can expect in Phase III of the HCG Weight Loss Program.  The HCG serum will stay in my body for another three days after my appointment.  I hope to be in the high 150s in six days.  Phase III of the diet begins on September 14th, and I will have the opportunity to continue losing weight, while introducing more foods and continuing my workout routine.

I will keep you posted.  Also, more about Juicy later …. she is a rock singer by night and singing at a nightclub in North Beach on September 24 (her birthday).

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